Punjab Overseas Pakistani Commission Jobs Latest Advertisement Government Of Pakistan Jobs By PK JOBS April 10, 2021 0 456 views Government Of Pakistan Jobs www.pkjobs.com.pk Punjab Overseas Pakistani Commission Jobs Latest Advertisement [ad_1] style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">Today Good job news is there from Punjab Overseas Pakistani Commission Jobs 2021 Latest Advertisement. Jobs in Punjab Overseas Pakistanis Commission are available and this government department is looking to recruit the educated, expert and skillful applicants are requiapply-d to fill out the posts named (Mali, Sweeper, GateKeeper) is the post which needs to be filled on daily wages for initially 89 days which can be extendable on satisfactory performance of an individual. It is a good opportunity for all those who are in search to have a job in any Government department, so take advantage of this opportunity and apply confidently as per the how to apply procedure given under the following heading.Punjab Overseas Commission is the Govt of Punjab established body which is performing its role in number of its functions and the major function of this commission include welfare of overseas Pakistanis, welcoming them in mainstream, protecting them from land grabbing, facilitation in their investment and much more are the prime objective of this commission. Being a Govt body it offers Govt jobs as stated above. style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="1894944659" data-ad-format="link">Eligibility Criteria:For above posts, Middle pass candidates having relevant experience are eligible to apply.Age Limit:Age Limits should be between 18 to 35 years.For More Government Jobs: Click HerePunjab Overseas Pakistani Commission Jobs 2021 Current AdvertisementVacant Positions:MaliSweeperGate KeeperHow To Apply for Punjab Overseas Pakistani Commission Jobs:Applications along with attested copies of educational certificate, experience certificate, CNIC, Domicile and two recent photographs should reach the following address given below.The last date for submission of application is April 26, 2021.Government / Semi-Government Department employees should apply through proper channel.Candidates are suggested to mark the application for the position applied for.Eligible candidates will be notified of interview date via SMS / email so it is compulsory for every candidate to mention clearly their contact number and email address.No TA/DA will be paid to any candidate for the selection procedure.Candidates should bring original documents at the time of interview. Stay in touch with us and keep visiting our site pkjobs.com.pk for more jobs.Punjab Overseas Pakistani Commission Jobs 2021Last Date to Apply: April 26, 2021.Click Here For Job Advertisement ImageAddress: Punjab Overseas Pakistanis Commission, Officer Prime Minister Punjab, 1-Club Road, GOR-I, Lahore. style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">[ad_2] PK JOBShttp://pkjobs.com.pkPkjobs.com.pk is the largest website which providing Jobs in Pakistan, Search Latest Government Jobs, Private Jobs newspaper ad newspaper advertisement of latest govt jobs pkjobs of across the country. We are collecting daily jobs advertisement form all most popular newspaper.