PMA Long Course 148 Online Registration Initial Test Sample / Result Government Of Pakistan Jobs By PK JOBS April 16, 2021 0 554 views Government Of Pakistan Jobs PMA Long Course 148 Online Registration Initial Test Sample / Result [ad_1] class=" adslot_1" style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto"> as Commissioned officer through PMA Long Course 148 Online Registration 2021 Initial Test Sample / Result from Advertisement for Regular Commission in Pakistan Army through 148 PMA Long Course has been announced according to which an opportunity for the Male Intermediate / Bachelors Pass / Serving Army Soldiers have been provided. All those individuals who have a passion for serving Pakistan by joining the most honorable defence force of Pakistan, are welcome to step forward and fulfill your dreams.PMA Long course 148 is going held at Pakistan Military Academy and training duration will be two years. During training session every candidate shall undergo different learning process in which they have to learn about the latest war tactics, tips about hand to hand fight, war surviving, weapon assembling etc. in short we can say that at Pakistan Military Academy a human war machine is developed and it is the result of PMA’s hard work that we have the best army in the world. class=" adslot_1" style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">Now all those candidates who are willing to be part of this 148 PMA Long Course training session are suggested to read the following eligibility criteria first and then how to apply procedure. If you feel yourself capable for this Long Course then step forward to apply and Join Pakistan Army as a Commissioned Officer. For Matric/Intermediate pas Pak Army Soldier Jobs 2021 are also announced today for which you need to visit for PMA long course online registration. But if you have applied for Pak Army vacancies then you should apply for to Join Pak Navy as Sailor 2021 and if you are very educated and wanted to be a commissioned officer then you are welcome to apply for PN Cadet 2021 A announced today.PMA Long Course 148 2021 Registration / Roll Number Slip / Test Date OnlinePMA Long Course Eligibility Criteria:Qualification with Age:Intermediate or Equivalent degree holder with age from 17 to 22 years are eligible to apply.Graduation (2 Years Degree) holder and Serving Pakistan Navy / Pakistan Air Force with age 17 to 23 years are eligible to apply.Graduation (4 Years Programme) BS / BA (Hon) / BBA / BPA pass with age from 17 to 24 years are eligible to apply.Serving Army Soldiers having age between 17 to 25 years are eligible to apply.Gender: Only Male candidates are eligible to apply.Marital Status: Fresh candidates should be unmarried but Married serving personnel of the Armed Forces over 20 years of age are also eligible to apply.Nationality: Pakistani Citizens having a domicile in any province of Pakistan including Azad Kashmir / Gilgit-Baltistan are eligible to apply. At final selection candidates with dual nationality will have to surrender nationalities of other countries.PAK Army Latest Jobs 2021:PMA Long Course 148 Online Registration 2021 Initial Test Sample / ResultCMH Murree Jobs 2021 Combined Military Hospital Employment OpportunitiesCMH Pano Aqil Jobs 2021 for BPS-01 to BPS-11 Latest AdvertisementArmy Selection and Recruitment Centre Lahore Jobs 2021 Latest AdvertisementNLC Jobs 2021 National Logistic Cell Toll Plaza Latest AdvertisementPAK Army Physical Requirements:Minimum Height: Every candidate should minimum height 5’ Feet – 4” Inches (162.5 cm).Visual Standard: Distance Vision with glasses should be 6/9, 6/12 and Near Vision should be J2, J7 or N8, N12 with or without glasses.Weight: as per the Body Mass Index.How to Apply for PMA Long Course:A candidate can register online on or through the web link given below.The candidates may also register by visiting the nearest AS&RCs (Army Selection and Recruitment Centers) located in every major city of Pakistan.AS&RCs are located at Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Gilgit, Hyderabad, Multan, DI Khan, Muzaffarabad, Faisalabad, Khuzdar and Pano Aqil.Registration will be open from 17th April to 17th May 2021 (Including Saturdays / Sundays).PMA Long Course Selection Criteria:Preliminary Tests will start from June to July 2021.In selection procedure, every candidate has to under first Written / Intelligence Tests based on multiple choice questions from English, Maths, Pak Studies, Islamiat and General Knowledge.After Written / Intelligence Tests qualified candidate will undergo Physical/medical tests and interview at AS&RCs.During Physical Test candidates have to pass the following tasks given below.1.6 Km Running task in 8 minutes.Push Ups 15 repetitions in 2 minutes.Sit Ups 20 repetitions in 2 minutes.Chin Ups 3 repetitions in 2 minutes.Ditch Crossing through 7’.4” x 7’.4” and 4’ deep.Successful candidates from the Physical test will be interviewed at AS&RC and after interview only shortlisted candidates will appear for ISSB test.To facilitate our viewers we provide here PMA Long Course 148 Registration 2021 | Join PMA Long Course 148 Online Registration with complete information about requirements and selection criteria. So, read it carefully and apply as per the prescribed instructions. Stay connected to get the latest updates about online registration date.Join PAK Army 148 PMA Long Course AdvertisementRegistration: April 17 to May 17, 2021.For PMA Long Course Online Registration: Click HereAddress: Nearest Army Selection and Recruitment Centres.Click Here For Job Advertisement Image style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">[ad_2] PK JOBS is the largest website which providing Jobs in Pakistan, Search Latest Government Jobs, Private Jobs newspaper ad newspaper advertisement of latest govt jobs pkjobs of across the country. We are collecting daily jobs advertisement form all most popular newspaper.