Pakistan Navy Sailor Jobs Matric Base Male & Female Batch C- Government Of Pakistan Jobs By PK JOBS May 10, 2021 0 371 views Government Of Pakistan Jobs Pakistan Navy Sailor Jobs Matric Base Male & Female Batch C- [ad_1] class=" adslot_1" style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">Get career offers in Join Pakistan Navy as Sailor (S) Batch C-2021 Technical & Marine Branch | On 10th May 2021, we provide you a job opportunity in naval armed forces for the male & female in Pakistan Navy to join it as a Sailor for Batch C-2021. Currently to apply there are different branches are available in which Pakistani Nationals can apply and a list of branches is given below.Sailor Jobs 2021 is available in multiple branches such as (Naval Police, Marines, Chef / Steward, Musician, MTD / Driver, Sanitary Worker / Sweeper, PT Branch). All the nationality holders of Pakistan only males are welcome to apply but if you are not interested to apply to the Navy then we suggest you to Join Pak Army as Captain / Major through SSRC announced today. An only unmarried male & female is liable to register at Pak Navy. class=" adslot_1" style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">Guys, its one of the most wanted job opportunities to be availed before it leads to expiration be quick to register and get employed here to earn a sufficient amount and experience. Now, tap toward sits eligibility and applying conditions heading-wise below.Pakistan Navy which is shortly named as PN is the Defence Force which is indulged in preventing the war and is held responsible for maintaining within the country, civilian and military harbour’s without caring by themselves is governed by the Govt of Pakistan and Ministry of Defense. Being a Federal Govt Force it offers Govt jobs for male and females and posts will be filled on purely merit basis.Branch/Category to Apply:Naval PoliceMarinesChef / StewardMusicianMTD / DriverSanitary Worker / SweeperPT BranchEligibility Criteria:Gender: Only Male is eligible to apply for the relevant post.Marital Status: Applicants married / unmarried are eligible to apply for relevant category.Nationality: Nationality holders of Pakistan are eligible to apply.Educational Requirements for Marines Branch:For Marines, Branch candidate should be Matric pass in Science with 60% marks in the examination with age limit of 17 to 21 years and Height should be 5 feet 6 Inches (167.5 cm).Educational Requirements for Naval Police Branch:For Naval Police, Branch candidate should be Matric pass in Science/Arts with 60% marks in the examination with age limit of 16 to 20 years and Height should be 5″ feet 7 Inches (170 cm).For more information about eligibility criteria, please examine the following image posted below.For Latest Pakistan Navy Jobs: Click HereSailor Jobs in Pakistan Navy 2021 Search Results (S) Batch C Online RegistrationHow to Apply for Pakistan Navy Jobs:All those applicants who wish to join Pak Navy are requiapply-d to register themselves online through the Pak Navy website or from the nearest Selection Centres of Pak Navy.Registration is open from March 09 to May 22, 2021.The applicants are requiapply-d to bring the Postal Order of Rs. 100/ at the time of interview in favor of Director Recruitment Naval Headquarter Islamabad or crossed postal order will be accepted if brought and submitted by hand.Recruitment Procedure:The applicants have to undergo a series of tests which include a Written Test (E-Testing) which will be conducted on 01st June 2021 at 8:00 am in the following subjects as (Matric Science) English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and General Knowledge.After Written Test the applicants have to go through the Physical Test which includes 1.6 meters running in 8 minutes, 15 push-ups in 2 minutes, 15 sit-ups in 2 minutes and 4 chin-ups in minutes will be held in the Headquarters.Interview and Medical Examination will begin from August to September 2021 which will be held in the recruitment center and the information regarding this test will be taken from the respect selection center.After passing the Interview and Medical Examination the candidates will be going through the Personality Test which will be held in the month of August to September 2021 and on a temporary basis the selection of candidates will be made in Naval Headquarters.Naval Headquarter will select on a temporary basis whereas after a medical examination in Karachi Training Centre on a temporary basis the applicants will be selected on a permanent basis.Training will begin on November 2021.Apply as soon as possible for Join Pakistan Navy as Sailor (S) Batch C-2021 at for different branches such as (Naval Police, Marines, Chef / Steward, Musician, MTD / Driver, Sanitary Worker / Sweeper, PT Branch). Interested individuals Male and Female holding at least Matriculation in Science or Arts are eligible to apply before the closing date.Join Pakistan Navy as Sailor (S) Batch C-2021Last Date For Registration: May 22, 2021.Address: Nearest Naval Selection Center.For Online Registration: Click HereClick Here For Job Advertisement Image style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">[ad_2] PK JOBS is the largest website which providing Jobs in Pakistan, Search Latest Government Jobs, Private Jobs newspaper ad newspaper advertisement of latest govt jobs pkjobs of across the country. We are collecting daily jobs advertisement form all most popular newspaper.