NTS Invigilator Jobs Application Form, Test Sample Paper & Result Date NTS Jobs By PK JOBS June 11, 2021 0 688 views NTS Jobs www.pkjobs.com.pk NTS Invigilator Jobs Application Form, Test Sample Paper & Result Date [ad_1] class=" adslot_1" style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">For all those who are waiting for Invigilator Jobs in NTS, so their wait is over because here at this page you’ll have the latest advertisement for NTS Invigilator Jobs 2021 Application Form, Test Sample Paper & Result Date. Jobs in NTS National Testing Service are available and this top-ranked testing organization has announced numerous job opportunities for the Pakistani Nationals who wanted to work as part-time Test Administration Staff in all Examination / Test Centers of NTS working all over Pakistan.Candidates willing to apply should be well educated and disciplined for the following NTS Invigilation Staff Advertisement carries positions such as (Chief Supervisor, Supervisor, Technical Coordinator for Computer Based Test, Resident Inspector, Support Staff, Invigilators, Physical Test Supervisor and Physical Test Conductor). For the Pakistani Nationals OTS Invigilator Jobs are also available to apply. class=" adslot_1" style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">The selected candidates will be requiapply-d to work mostly on weekends (Saturday / Sundays) for a full day and sometimes in the evening of weekdays as well. There are some requirements that are compulsory to be fulfilled for every candidate, such as qualification from Masters to Intermediate is requiapply-d but for Sr. No. 7 & 8 retiapply-d army officers can apply. So, interested candidates should apply as per the following how to apply procedure.For More NTS Jobs: Click HereNTS Invigilation Staff Advertisement 2021 Online Apply | www.nts.org.pkVacant Positions:Chief SupervisorSupervisorTechnical Coordinator for Computer Based TestResident InspectorSupport StaffInvigilatorsPhysical Test SupervisorPhysical Test ConductorHow To Apply:Candidates have to apply on the prescribed form of NTS which can be downloaded from the official site of NTS or through the web link given below.A duly filled application form should be submitted along with a deposit slip of Test Fee in favor of NTS and copies of all other documents on the following address given below.Candidates have to deposit test fees in any online branch of HBL, MCB, UBL, or ABL.The expected Last date for submission of the application is 21st June 2021.Roll Number Slips for Test and complete information about the Test will be available soon at the official site of NTS, mostly one week before the NTS Test.Candidates should bring original documents at the time of the interview. Stay in touch with us and keep visiting our site pkjobs.com.pk.NTS Invigilator Jobs 2021 Application FormLast Date to Apply: June 21, 2021.Address: NTS Headquarter: 1-E, Street No. 46, Sector I-8/2, Islamabad.Application Form: Click HereClick Here For Job Advertisement Image style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">[ad_2] PK JOBShttp://pkjobs.com.pkPkjobs.com.pk is the largest website which providing Jobs in Pakistan, Search Latest Government Jobs, Private Jobs newspaper ad newspaper advertisement of latest govt jobs pkjobs of across the country. We are collecting daily jobs advertisement form all most popular newspaper.