National Highway and Motorway Police Jobs NHMP 300 Vacancies FPSC Jobs By PK JOBS February 7, 2021 0 635 views FPSC Jobs National Highway and Motorway Police Jobs NHMP 300 Vacancies [ad_1] style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">Get Patrol Officer Jobs 2020 | National Highway and Motorway Police Jobs 2020 NHMP Application Form Download | at this page of our site. Motorway Police Jobs 2020 is announced today through FPSC – Federal Public Service Commission the reputed testing organization working under the Government of Pakistan.Jobs in Motorway Police to apply are (Patrol Officer (BS-14)). Today Motorway Police Jobs 2020 for Non-Uniformed Staff were also announced which is ready to be recruit by well-educated individuals. A National Highway and Motorway Police invite application from Male & Females belong to Punjab, Sindh Rural, Sindh Urban, KPK, Balochistan, Gilgit-Baltistan/FATA and Azad Kashmir. style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="1894944659" data-ad-format="link">All interested candidates wanted to apply suggested to read the eligibility criteria mentioned in the following image and also after this paragraph.National Highways & Motorway Police abbreviated as NH&MP, is a police force in Pakistan formed on November 26, 1997, which is responsible for enforcement of traffic and safety laws, security and recovery on Pakistan’s National Highways and Motorway network. It has huge staff performing duties to maintain the motorway traffic. Motorway Police is a federal government department and jobs announced under it are government sector jobs. Today Latest National Highways & Motorway Police Jobs 2020 are announced which can be examined from this page.Eligibility Criteria for NHMP Jobs 2020:Candidates willing to apply should have a Bachelors qualification from HEC recognized university.Age applicant should be between 18 to 25 years.Height for Male should be 5′ and 8″.Height for Female should be 5′ and 4″.Minimum Chest Measurement 33″ to 35″.Eligibility Criteria for FPSC Advertisement No. 02/2020:For all other positions announced in FPSC Advertisement No. 02/2020, applicants should hold qualification Masters/Bachelors in the relevant discipline and relevant field experience and skills is requiapply-d to apply.For More Government Jobs: Click HereMotorway Police Jobs Application Form 2020 Download Online | Positions in Motorway Police:Patrol Officer (BS-14)Vacant Positions in FPSC Advertisement 02/2020:Instructor (English) (BS-16)Administrative Officer (BS-16)National Savings Officer (BS-17)Range Forest Officer (BS-16)Medical Lab Technologist (BS-17)Assistant Director (Law) (BS-17)Deputy Director (Law) (BS-18)Assistant Director (BS-17)Deputy Director / Protector of Emigrants (BS-18)Lecturer (Male) (BS-17)Librarian (Male) (BS-16)Demonstrator (Female) (BS-16)Principal / Headmaster / Senior Teacher / Instructor (Male) (BS-18)Web Developer (BS-17)For FPSC Advertisement No. 02/202: Click HereHow to Apply for National Highways and Motorway Police Jobs:Candidates fulfilling all criteria are suggested to apply online at the official site or through web link given below.Those candidates who do not have access to Internet Facilities are allowed to apply on an application written on plain paper including complete information to the Secretary FPSC.The last date for submission of application is February 24, 2020.The applicants have to pay the test fee of Rs. 300/ for BPS-16 & 17, Rs. 750/ for BPS-18, Rs. 1200/ for BS-19 and Rs. 1500/ for BS-20 & above posts, in the NBP Bank, Government Treasury, and State Treasury.The MCQS Written (Descriptive) Test will be held on 06th June 2020.For more jobs please visit our site Highway and Motorway Police Jobs 2020Last Date to Apply: February 24, 2020.To Apply Online: Click HereAddress: Federal Public Service Commission, Aga Khan Road, F-5/1, Islamabad.Click Here for Job Advertisement Image style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">[ad_2] PK JOBS is the largest website which providing Jobs in Pakistan, Search Latest Government Jobs, Private Jobs newspaper ad newspaper advertisement of latest govt jobs pkjobs of across the country. We are collecting daily jobs advertisement form all most popular newspaper.