Join Pak Navy as Civilian -A Batch Online Registration | Navy Jobs By PK JOBS January 20, 2021 0 605 views Navy Jobs Join Pak Navy as Civilian -A Batch Online Registration | [ad_1] style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">Get Pak Navy Civilian Jobs 2020 | Join Pak Navy as Civilian 2021-A Batch Online Registration | Pakistan Navy Civilian Jobs September 2020 are announced and as we all know that to be a part of Pakistan Navy is an honoapply-d for us because this force is protecting Pakistan from the seaside and its officers are serving the nation day and night for its prosperity. Those who wanted to be part of this defence force are suggested to read this page with complete concentration because now, latest jobs announced for the Pakistani Nationals to join Pak Navy as a civilian in different sectors like (Positions for Naval Headquarters Islamabad (Higher Formation) (Positions for Industrial / Technical Staff (Lower Formation-PNCA) and (Positions for Non-Industrial / Non-Technical Staff (Lower Formation-PNCA)).The complete list of vacant positions can be examined from the following. Those candidates who are willing to apply for these jobs must read the eligibility criteria carefully according to which Graduation, Intermediate, DAE, Matric, Middle pass individuals from all over Pakistan are welcome to apply. So, all the educated Male / Female individuals possessing higher qualifications and looking to have a job in the Navy, should take advantage of this opportunity and apply as soon as possible to fulfill their dream of having a job in the Pakistan Navy. If you are interested in Pak Army then Soldier Jobs in Pak Army is also available to apply. Now, let’s jump towards vacant positions and how to apply procedure. style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="1894944659" data-ad-format="link">Current Jobs in Pak Navy:Pakistan Coast Guard Jobs 2021 Advertisement Latest Career OpportunitiesHow to Join Pakistan Navy Through Short Service Commission Course 2021How to Join Pakistan Navy as a PN Cadet 2021Top Ten Government Jobs in Pakistan 2021Join Pak Navy as Doctor Through M Cadet Scheme 2020 Online Registration – Navy Civilian Jobs 2021-A Batch Apply Online Criteria:Educational Requirements:For all of these posts, the overall education which is requiapply-d includes Graduation, Intermediate, relevant DAE 03 years Diploma, Matric pass applicants are invited along with each field relevant expertise are requiapply-d to apply.Gender: Both male and females are eligible to apply.Nationality:The nationality holders of Pakistan are welcome to apply.Vacant Positions in Naval Headquarter Islamabad (Higher Formation) with Basic Pay Scales:Assistant (BPS-15)Data Entry Operator (BPS-14)Photographer (BPS-13)Library Assistant (BPS-12)UDC (BPS-11)LDC (BPS-09)Telephone Operator (BPS-09)Senior Compositor (PBS-05)Carpenter (BPS-03)Junior Compositor (BPS-03)Naib Qasid (BPS-01)Mali (BPS-01)Sanitary Worker (BPS-01)Vacant Positions For Industrial /Technical Staff (Lower Formation-PNCA) with Basic Pay Scales:Foreman (Mechanical, Electrical, Ship Construction) (BPS-15)Leading Man (Mechanical, Electrical, Ship Construction) (BPS-12)Assistant Leading Man (Mechanical) (BPS-11)Assistant Leading Man (Electronics) (BPS-11)Assistant Leading Man (Electrical) (BPS-11)Assistant Leading Man (Ship Construction) (BPS-11)High Skilled Mistry (Electrical) (BPS-11)High Skilled Mistry (Mechanical) (BPS-11)High Skilled Mistry (Electronics) (BPS-11)High Skilled Mistry (Ship Construction) (BPS-11)High Skilled Grade-I (Mechanical) (BPS-11)High Skilled Grade-I (Electrical) (BPS-11)High Skilled Grade-I (Electronics) (BPS-11)High Skilled Grade-I (Ship Construction) (BPS-11)Civilian Apprentice (BPS-07)Vacant Positions in Non-Industrial/ Non-Technical Staff (Lower Formation -PNCA) with Basic Pay Scales:Academic Teacher (BPS-15)Translator (Arabic) (BPS-14)Data Entry Operator (BPS-14)Sports Coach (Shooting) (BPS-14)Junior Scientific Assistant (BPS-12)Assistant Examiner (Store) (BPS-11)Assistant Examiner (Ammunition) (BPS-11)Assistant Examiner (Mechanical) (BPS-11)Draftman (BPS-11)Civilian Workshop Supervisor (BPS-11)Labor Welfare Supervisor (BPS-10)Photographer (BPS-10)LDC (BPS-09)Telephone Operator (BPS-09)Assistant Store Keeper (BPS-09)Lady Health Visitor (BPS-09)Librarian (BPS-08)Senior Time Keeper (BPS-09)Laboratory Assistant (BPS-07)Junior Instructor (BPS-07)Junior Drawing Instructor (BPS-07)Boxing Instructor (BPS-07)Draftman-II Mechanical (BPS-07)Engine Driver-II (BPS-07)Midwife (BPS-07)Storeman (BPS-07)Receptionist (BPS-07)Sanitary Instructor (BPS-06)The complete list of vacancies for Pak Navy Civilian Jobs 2021 can be examined from the following job advertisement image.How to Apply for Join Pak Navy as Civilian 2021-A Batch Jobs:Interested applicants can register themselves online from or can apply by visiting the official site of the Pakistan Navy at Sr. No. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 applicants need to submit applications written on plain paper to the following address.The last date for pak navy civilian jobs 2020 online registration is October 11, 2020.The candidates will go through the Initial Computer Test for which they’ll be notified via SMS.For further information about written test/result/medical/trade-test/interview can be examined from the following image posted below.The information regarding the Venue and Registration slip will be displayed on the website of Pakistan Navy.After the good and successful result of a Written-test, the applicants will undergo the Personality test and further will go under the Medical Examination and if they pass these two exams properly so they will be given and assigned the work to do over there and the authority will also conduct the interview.So, viewers take advantage from Join Pak Navy as Civilian 2021-A Batch and apply Online at Civilian Jobs 2021 Online Registration as soon as possible because such opportunities announced once in a year and once you are selected for these positions then you’ll be able to earn handsome salary package along with numerous facilities as per the rules of Pakistan Navy.Join Pak Navy as Civilian 2021Last Date For Registration: October 11, 2020.For Online Registration: Click HereClick Here For Job Advertisement Image style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">[ad_2] PK JOBS is the largest website which providing Jobs in Pakistan, Search Latest Government Jobs, Private Jobs newspaper ad newspaper advertisement of latest govt jobs pkjobs of across the country. 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