Health Department KPK Jobs for Physiotherapist Advertisement Government Of Pakistan Jobs By PK JOBS February 3, 2021 0 406 views Government Of Pakistan Jobs Health Department KPK Jobs for Physiotherapist Advertisement [ad_1] style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">Have the current job openings for Health Department KPK Jobs 2021 Online Form Download Latest. Applications are being offeapply-d Provincial Coordinator for Strengthening of Rehabilitation Services for Physically Disabled Health Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, PIU office at Directorate General Health Services Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar, and for this, it is seeking to appoint the energetic, dynamic, caliber, adroit and well-disciplined applicants are requiapply-d to apply for the posts given below.Jobs in Health Department KPK are such as (Physiotherapist (BPS-17), Office Assistant (BPS-16), Computer Operator (BPS-16), Data Analyst (BPS-16), Account Assistant (BPS-12), Driver (BPS-06), Naib Qasid (BPS-03)) are the current positions for the project named as Strengthening of Rehabilitation Services for Physically Disabled that need to be filled by the applicants as soon as possible before the due date. style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="1894944659" data-ad-format="link">The appointment will be done on a contract basis which can be extendable on the satisfactory performance of an individual. Now, I will let you know about its further details below but before that please visit for the latest jobs in Pak Army.Health Department is the Govt body which is one of the necessary department and we find this in each and every province because without health life in nothing and our survival is quite incomplete without it so the major functions of this department are many but the prime aim is to provide health facilities in hospitals and health care centre’s to cure the peoples and also arrangement of seminars and program in order to aware people about different diseases and their prevention. Beside this the department works on different projects in order to make the health conditions better. Being a Govt department it offers Government jobs on regular as well as on contract basis at the time of need and latest Health Department KPK Jobs 2021are announced today which can be examined from this page.Eligibility Criteria:For vacant posts, Bachelors / BSc / Matric / Middle qualification with 2 to 3 years relevant experience is requiapply-d.Age Limit:Age limit should be between 20 to 35 years.For Current Govt Jobs: Click HereApply in Health Department KPK Jobs 2021 Current OpportunitiesVacant Positions:Physiotherapist (BPS-17)Office Assistant (BPS-16)Computer Operator (BPS-16)Data Analyst (BPS-16)Account Assistant (BPS-12)Driver (BPS-06)Naib Qasid (BPS-03)How to Apply for Health Department KPK Jobs:For Sr. No. 1 to 5 interested applicants is requiapply-d to apply the Application form from the given website as print of duly filled application form along with original deposit slip, computer token number and attested copies of all relevant documents, CNIC and Domicile should reach the following address given below.For Sr. No. 6 and 7 applicants need to apply by submitting applications to Provincial Coordinator Strengthening of Rehabilitation Services for Physically Disabled, PIU Office at Directorate General Health Services Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Ex-Fata Secretariat Warsak Road, Peshawar.The last date for applying March 01, 2021.Incomplete applications or received after the close of office hours on the last date for submission of application will not be entertained.For more information about the candidate list and test result, please visit our site Department KPK Jobs 2021Last Date To Apply: March 01, 2021.Application Form Will Be Available SoonAddress for Sr. No. 1 to 5: ETEA Office, E8-22, Street-13, Phase-VII, Hayatabad Peshawar.Address for Sr. No. 6 and 7: Provincial Coordinator Strengthening of Rehabilitation Services for Physically Disabled, PIU Office at Directorate General Health Services Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Ex-Fata Secretariat Warsak Road, Peshawar.Click Here For Job Advertisement Image style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">[ad_2] PK JOBS is the largest website which providing Jobs in Pakistan, Search Latest Government Jobs, Private Jobs newspaper ad newspaper advertisement of latest govt jobs pkjobs of across the country. We are collecting daily jobs advertisement form all most popular newspaper.