FPSC Jobs – Advertisement No. 09/ Apply Online Last Date FPSC Jobs By PK JOBS February 6, 2021 0 447 views FPSC Jobs www.pkjobs.com.pk FPSC Jobs – Advertisement No. 09/ Apply Online Last Date [ad_1] style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">Apply for FPSC Jobs 2020 – Advertisement No. 09/2020 Apply Online Last Date up to 19th October 2020 for the following vacancies announced in Federal Public Service Commission at www.fpsc.gov.pk the FPSC Official Website and Headquarter is located at Agha Khan Rd, F-5/1 F-5, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory. Latest FPSC Sep Jobs are announced in multiple federal operated departments such as AFIC / NIHD Ministry of Defence, Armed Forces Institute of Transfusion, Federal Medical & Dental College, Federal College of Education, Cabinet Secretariat, Federal General Hospital Islamabad, Corps of E&ME Ministry of Defence, Pakistan Meteorological Department, FPSC and etc.Jobs in FPSC are (Baker (BS-16), Assistant Manager Food Services (BS-17), Radiology Pharmacist (BS-17), Computer Officer (BS-17), Laboratory Technologist (BS-16), Demonstrator (BS-17), Social Welfare Officer (BS-17), Supervisor Medical Store (Zakat / Bait-Ul-Mal Section) (BS-16), Supervisor / Accountant (Zakat & Bait-Ul-Mal Section) (BS-16), Cardiac Perfusionist (BS-17), Assistant Professor (BS-18), Medical Officer-Incharge Medical Stores (BS-17), Lecturer (BS-17), Medical Records Officer (BS-17), Deputy Chief Cardiac Perfusionist) (BS-18), Charge Nurse (BS-16)), etc. If you are fond of working armed forces then Pak Navy Civilian Jobs 2021 are announced and ready to apply. style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="1894944659" data-ad-format="link">Individuals holding valid Domicile of any province of Pakistan are welcome to apply but they should possess qualification from MBBS / Masters / Bachelors / BSc / BS IT / BSCS / Matric in a relevant discipline and relevant experience as per the demand of vacant positions are welcome to apply and detailed eligibility criteria are given below. If you are Graduates from HEC recognized university then NLC Internship 2020 is just for you to apply as soon as possible.For More Government Jobs: Click HereFPSC Jobs 2020 Advertisement Apply Online | fpsc.gov.pkVacant Positions:Baker (BS-16)Assistant Manager Food Services (BS-17)Radiology Pharmacist (BS-17)Computer Officer (BS-17)Laboratory Technologist (BS-16)Demonstrator (BS-17)Social Welfare Officer (BS-17)Supervisor Medical Store (Zakat / Bait-Ul-Mal Section) (BS-16)Supervisor / Accountant (Zakat & Bait-Ul-Mal Section) (BS-16)Cardiac Perfusionist (BS-17)Assistant Professor (BS-18)Medical Officer-Incharge Medical Stores (BS-17)Lecturer (BS-17)Medical Records Officer (BS-17)Deputy Chief Cardiac Perfusionist) (BS-18)Charge Nurse (BS-16)For Complete List of Vacancies please examine the following job advertisement Click Here.How to Apply for FPSC Jobs 2020:Applicants may apply for the vacant positions online at the official site of FPSC or through the web link given below.However, those candidates who do not have access to internet facilities are allowed to submit their application addressed to Secretary FPSC on plain paper along with all requiapply-d information and documents.The last date for submission of application is November 16, 2020.Candidates have to deposit test fee Rs. 300/- for BS-16 & 17, Rs. 750/- for BS-18, Rs. 1200/- for BS-19 and Rs. 1500/- for BS-20 & above and you’ll have to put deposit slip number in the online application form or those who are going submit their application via post should attach original deposit slip with the application form.Test / Interview schedule is mentioned in the image posted below and candidates have to follow the schedule to have successful recruitment.Candidates should bring original documents at the time of the interview. Stay in touch with us and keep visiting our site pkjobs.com.pk for further updates.FPSC Jobs 2020 Apply OnlineLast Date to Apply: November 16, 2020.To Apply Online: Click HereAddress: Federal Public Service Commission, Aga Khan Road, F-5/1, Islamabad.Click Here for Job Advertisement Image style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">[ad_2] PK JOBShttp://pkjobs.com.pkPkjobs.com.pk is the largest website which providing Jobs in Pakistan, Search Latest Government Jobs, Private Jobs newspaper ad newspaper advertisement of latest govt jobs pkjobs of across the country. We are collecting daily jobs advertisement form all most popular newspaper.