District & Session Court Sahiwal Jobs CTSPAK Test & Online Form Government Of Pakistan Jobs By PK JOBS January 27, 2021 0 453 views Government Of Pakistan Jobs www.pkjobs.com.pk District & Session Court Sahiwal Jobs CTSPAK Test & Online Form [ad_1] style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">Here on this page, we provide you District & Session Court Sahiwal Jobs 2021 CTSPAK Test & Online Form. Applications are being offeapply-d from District and Session Court Sahiwal is available and due to this, it is seeking educated, hardworking, and well-disciplined candidates for the following positions announced for the Sahiwal Domiciled candidates.Session Court Sahiwal Jobs are such as (Computer Operator, Accountant, Junior Auditor, Junior Clerk, Assistant Record Keeper, Dispatch Clerk, Photostat Machine Operator, Electrician, Cook, Naib Qasid, Chowkidar, Mali, Sweeper) are vacant to be filled with the overall qualification of Graduation / Intermediate / Matric / Middle / Primary pass candidates can apply for the other positions. Computer literate persons will be given preference the most. The age limit should be 18-28 years. style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="1894944659" data-ad-format="link">The quotas are also reserved for Women 15%, 5% for Minorities and 20% for Retiapply-d Officers. CTSPAK is authorized to conduct the test against this post. Now only eligible candidates should apply on the prescribed application form as per the following how to apply procedure given below.For More Government Jobs: Click HereDistrict & Session Court Sahiwal Jobs 2021 Application Form DownloadVacant Positions:Computer OperatorAccountantJunior AuditorJunior ClerkAssistant Record KeeperDispatch ClerkPhotostat Machine OperatorElectricianCookNaib QasidChowkidarMaliSweeperHow To Apply for District and Session Court Sahiwal:Applicants may download an application form for Sr. No. 1 to 4 from the CTSPAK Site along with deposit slip.Applicants have to pay the Test Processing Fee of Rs. 400/ in favor of CTSPAK.Application form for Sr. No. 1 to 4 along with all relevant documents should reach the following address given below.For Sr. No. 5 to 11 candidates need to submit applications to Session Court Sahiwal.The last date for submission of the application is February 15, 2021.Applicants should mention clearly the position applied for on the envelope.Applications received incomplete or after the due date will not be entertained for the selection procedure.Stay in touch with us and keep visiting our site pkjobs.com.pk for further updates.District & Session Court Sahiwal Jobs 2021Last Date to Apply: February 15, 2021.Application Form Will Be Available SoonAddress for Sr. No. 1 to 4: Central Testing Service 414 F-2 Jeff Heights Main Boulevard Gulberg-III Lahore.Address for Sr. No. 5 to 11: District and Session Court Sahiwal.Click Here For Job Advertisement Image style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">[ad_2] PK JOBShttp://pkjobs.com.pkPkjobs.com.pk is the largest website which providing Jobs in Pakistan, Search Latest Government Jobs, Private Jobs newspaper ad newspaper advertisement of latest govt jobs pkjobs of across the country. We are collecting daily jobs advertisement form all most popular newspaper.