PPSC Advertisement No 22/ Old Test Paper & Syllabus Pattern Latest PPSC Jobs By PK JOBS January 18, 2021 0 527 views PPSC Jobs www.pkjobs.com.pk PPSC Advertisement No 22/ Old Test Paper & Syllabus Pattern Latest [ad_1] style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">Here you will be having the latest job offer from PPSC Advertisement No 22/2020 Old Test Paper & Syllabus Pattern Latest. Applications are being offeapply-d from Punjab Public Service Commission is seeking to appoint the well educated, suitable and caliber applicants are requiapply-d to fill the following posts which are for the different departments under Punjab Government such as (Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department, VIP Flight, S&GAD, Archives & Libraries Wing, (S&GAD), Services & General Administration Department, Punjab Public Service Commission).PPSC Jobs 2020 Punjab Public Service Commission is entitled as (Dental Surgeon / Demonstrator / Registrar, Senior Registrar Paediatric Neurology, Senior Registrar Psychiatry, Assistant Professor Urology, Aircraft Engineer B2 (CAT:X), Data Entry Operator, Assistant, Junior Clerk) are the posts that need to be filled as soon as possible. Recently PPSC Jobs Advertisement 2020 can be checked which are announced through ppsc.gop.pk. style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="1894944659" data-ad-format="link">The overall qualification MBBS / BDS / Graduation / Intermediate in the relevant discipline with per field relevant expertise are needed to apply for such posts. Male, Female, and Shemales are eligible to apply. Now, I will let you know about its further details below.For Current PPSC Jobs: Click HerePPSC Jobs 2020 Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education DepartmentVacant Situations in Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department:Dental Surgeon / Demonstrator / RegistrarSenior Registrar Paediatric NeurologySenior Registrar PsychiatryAssistant Professor UrologyVacant Situations in VIP Flight, S&GAD:Aircraft Engineer B2 (CAT:X)Vacant Situations in Archives & Libraries Wing, (S&GAD):Data Entry OperatorVacant Situations in Services & General Administration Department: AssistantVacant Situations in Punjab Public Service Commission:Junior ClerkHow To Apply for PPSC Jobs:Interested candidates meeting criteria may apply via online at the official site of PPSC or through web link given below.Candidates need to submit hard copies of online filled application form along with attested copies of all relevant documents to the following address given below.The last date for submission of application is September 07, 2020.Candidates willing to apply have to deposit test fee in favor of PPSC.Test Fee can be deposited in any Branch of State Bank of Pakistan or National Bank of Pakistan or Government Treasury.After registration procedure roll number slips for written test and test schedule will be available on official site of PPSC and it will be communicated to the eligible candidate via SMS.PPSC Advertisement No 22/2020Last Date To Apply: September 07, 2020.To Apply Online: Click HereClick Here For Job Advertisement Image style="display:block" data-ad-client="" data-ad-slot="4525903855" data-ad-format="auto">[ad_2] PK JOBShttp://pkjobs.com.pkPkjobs.com.pk is the largest website which providing Jobs in Pakistan, Search Latest Government Jobs, Private Jobs newspaper ad newspaper advertisement of latest govt jobs pkjobs of across the country. We are collecting daily jobs advertisement form all most popular newspaper.